Sample Setup: UV-VIS Reflection
Diffuse reflection measurements can be used to determine information about the chemical content or color of a sample.
The USB4000-UV-VIS (200-850 nm) is ideal for most UV-VIS reflectometry. The spectrometer is preconfigured with Grating #1, which is efficient in the deep UV; an OFLV-200-850 Order-sorting Filter to eliminate second- and third-order effects; and a 25 m slit for optical resolution of ~1.5 nm (FWHM).
Sampling Optics
The R400-7-UV-VIS Reflection Probe measures diffuse or specular reflectance from surfaces, or backscattering from translucent materials and fluids. The RPH-1 Probe Holder positions the R400-7 at either 45?for diffuse reflection or 90?for specular reflection. (For reflection measurements with an integrating sphere, click here.) For illumination, we recommend the DH2000-BAL Deuterium Tungsten Halogen Light Source. If your application requires portability, use the smaller DT-MINI-2 Deuterium Tungsten Halogen Light Source. (Because the DT-MINI-2 is a low-power source, configure your spectrometer with a 50 m Slit and an L4 Detector Collection Lens.)
Reflectance standards include the WS-1 Diffuse Reflectance Standard for diffuse measurements and the STAN-SSH Specular Reflectance Standard for specular measurements. Use our software to correct data for deviations from 100% reflectivity of standards, field tiles or NIST-traceable materials.