案例一: 溶液吸光度
Sample Setup: Solutions Absorbance
Absorbance measurements are used to quantify the concentration of gases and solutions (the latter is described here) that absorb light in a media that transmits light. The signal in absorbance units is proportional to the molar absorptivity, pathlength and concentration of the sample. (Beer's Law)
The USB4000-UV-VIS Spectrometer is ideal for absorbance measurements from 200-850 nm. The spectrometer is configured with Grating #1, which has peak efficiency at 300 nm. This configuration provides adequate resolution (~1.5 nm FWHM) for most solutions absorbance measurements. The built-in OFLV-200-850 Order-sorting Filter eliminates second-and third-order effects that otherwise yield false peaks in absorbance spectra. The preferred light source is the DH2000-BAL Deuterium Tungsten Halogen Light Source. The DH2000 is a less expensive source, but lacks the filtering technology that eliminates problems associated with the D-alpha line in the deuterium source.
Sampling Optics
For absolute absorbance measurements, use the 1-cm pathlength CUV-UV Cuvette Holder and the CV-Q-10 Quartz Cuvette. For relative absorbance, direct-attach USB accessories, dip probes and flow cells are available. We recommend QP400-025-SR Premium-grade Solarization-resistant Optical Fibers as illumination and read fibers. Use NIST-traceable STAN-ABS Photometric Absorbance Standards to provide certifiable results.
Ordering Information