案例四: 氣體吸收率
Sample Setup: Gas Absorbance
Absorbance measurements are used to quantify the concentration of solutions and gases (as described here) that absorb light in a media that transmits light. The signal in absorbance units is proportional to the molar absorptivity, pathlength and concentration of the sample. (See more on Beers Law.)
A setup for measuring benzene gas, for example, would call for an HR4000 High-resolution Spectrometer with an H7 grating and a 200-300 nm wavelength range. Optical bench accessories include an L4 Detector Collection Lens for increased light throughput, and a UV4 Detector Upgrade to transmit light in the UV. With a 5 m slit, optical resolution of ~0.07 nm (FWHM) is possible. The preferred light source for work in the ultraviolet is the D2000 Deuterium Light Source.
Sampling Optics
The 10-cm pathlength CUV-UV-10 Cuvette Holder, the CV-Q-10 Cylindrical Cell and QP400-025-SR Premium-grade Solarization-resistant Optical Fibers (one fiber illuminates, the other reads signal) comprise the systems sampling optics. For applications requiring shorter pathlengths or open-air monitoring, use an optical fibers-and-collimating lenses configuration.